where it all started

I felt something was missing in my life. I was sleepwalking. Unaware of what I was doing, and more importantly WHY I was doing it. This is important because the name comes from this desire of wanting more, yet understanding that it is only truly possible if you let that desire go. 

The inspiration for the name comes in two parts.

Awake: Inspired a few months after reading the book Awakening to your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle. I was going through life's motions, but without any real purpose. This book taught me the importance of the here and the now, letting go of negative thoughts that I was consuming, and being present to what I was doing. This is what I understand as being in "The Flow" 

Monday: Some see it as a fresh new start, while most others wish upon the coming Friday or sense the blues coming on Sunday. Take that to heart and sense what might be missing. There is no clearer answer than how you feel on Monday morning.

Awake on Monday: Living for everyday of the week, not just the weekend.